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CREFACO GROUP Agribusiness


1.Elson Manasseh
is a field officer who has trained many farmers and involved in various vegetable farming techniques by teaching them the right way and they followed the best farming technology from 2016 to date with dedication as we do not have a technician to support our workers
2.Donatha Sixbeth Hao
She is a vegetable marketing officer especially when we are in the lima and looking for a way to sell and help them find markets easily especially the markets for tomatoes, cucumbers, okra and others and he has managed to be with us for two years starting 2019 so far as a volunteer because we do not have salaries to pay our employees
3.Obelin Munisi
He is a nutrition officer whose job is to teach farmers how to use the right food, especially vegetables after the farmers harvest in the field he teaches them how to properly use foods so that they do not lose the actual nutrients we have had for a year now but he is still working well.
Leonard Geka he is an accountant in general hel