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Creditchek We help lenders avoid fraud and reduce loan default in Africa

Cover image of Creditchek, Financial services venture on VC4A



Every year, lenders lose over $5B to chronic loan defaulters. However, the bigger problem is the missed opportunity for over 350 million Africans who remain disconnected from accessing better financial services. This is mostly due to the fact that there is a trust gap that still exists between lenders and African consumers.

It is not uncommon to find African consumers taking loans from multiple credit providers simultaneously which eventually leads to over-indebtedness. On the flip side, the credit bureaus’ infrastructures are plagued with information asymmetry which makes it super difficult to identify repeat offenders.

We are building the operating system for lenders in Africa. From providing access to the largest pool of Identity and credit data to recovering bad debt to lenders getting access to quick, affordable capital to grow their businesses.

Sectors Financial services, Fintech
Location Lagos, Nigeria
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