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Coursier Medical SAS Take control of your health with the Coursier Médical app !


The start-up COURSIER MEDICAL SAS was created by 2 co-founders who are respectively :

– Mr. Venceslas Kouadio H. AKA who is the PRESIDENT

Sales Technician and Trainer
2004 – 2007: Fantasia Informatique – Abidjan
Digital press operator and Graphic designer
2007 – 2009: INKOO – Ab
2009 founding of OMICRON Sarl a company specialized in digital printing.
2014 – 2018: OMICRON SN SARL – Abidjan
Commercial director
Since 2018 : OMICRON SN Sarl – Abidjan

– Mr. Arthur Komenan YOFFOUA who is the MANAGING DIRECTOR

Managing Director/Director of Publication “Zem Magazine”
2013 – 2016 : Nzassa Communication – Cotonou, Benin
Production manager
2009 – 2012 : Media Print – Abidjan
Technician-Operator in Digital Printing
2006 -2008 : Graphicolor SA – Abidjan
Graphic designer / Photoengraver
2003 – 2006 : Graph Industrie SA – Bamako, Mali