Elija el idioma

Cosmos Automation automate everything everywhere


Founder 1:
Nwafor Augustine
Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
Augustine has B.ENG degree certificate in Electronics Engineering, from the University of Nigeria, Nsukka, Enugu State. He graduated with a second class honours upper division. His final year project was in IoT based irrigation monitoring and control system which went on to become the second-best engineering project in Nigeria in the CODET competition, 2019.

Founder 2:
Agbaroji Promise
Chief Technology Officer (CTO)
Promise has B.ENG degree certificate in Electronics Engineering, from the University of Nigeria, Nsukka, Enugu State. He graduated with a second class honours upper division. His final year project was on a smart home assistant. He has experience working as a technician on various power and amplifier systems. He is the lead designer of our solar inverters.