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Comunidad CuenTeach Teaches, counts and shares

Cover image of Comunidad CuenTeach, Educational products venture on VC4A

Comunidad CuenTeach

Comunidad CuenTeach

We are a team of professionals from different latitudes with a high commitment to education. At Bowl Teach we are passionate about telling stories and reflections of profes for profes that transform the educational system in Ibero-America.

You knew that according to figures from TALIS 2018, International Survey on Teaching and Learning, 80% of teachers mentioned that continuing education of greater impact is one that allows a collaborative approach among teachers. However, in our countries, continuing education is mainly through seminars and courses, which leads to knowledge, but does not stimulate collaborative learning based on experiences.

For this reason in CuenTeach we promote a collaborative network of teachers who share their learning in blog and podcast format. Thus, individual learning becomes collective knowledge and allows the co-creation of strategies to transform this educational system.

SectorsEducational products, Educational services, Media production
LocationL'Hospitalet de Llobregat, Spain
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