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Codesign Africa Ltd We offer digital payment and lending solutions to African businesses.

Cover image of Codesign Africa Ltd, Fintech venture on VC4A

Codesign offers bespoke solutions to individuals and businesses across different sectors from Education to Health and FMCG value chain. Our vision is to create an enabling platform that interconnects businesses across Africa through an efficient, scalable digital payment and lending solutions.
Our philosophy around payments and lending revolves around the marketplace. We believe that if we organized the flow of information and money in the marketplace, provided a scalable payment platform and an accurate scoring engine, there will be an opportunity to solve for the myriad payment challenges we see in the African marketplace by connecting the various ecosystem actors to a marketplace that is not only looking for service but has appetite to spend and borrow.
Codesign has developed two robust platforms to enable us to solve for these challenges:
i) Zurupay Payment Gateway
ii) ZuruPay Lending Management Engine

SectorsFintech, Online payment processing, Software as a Service
LocationNairobi, Kenya
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