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CliQ Car Rental Keyless Car Rental by the Hour

Cover image of CliQ Car Rental, Automoción venture on VC4A

Who / What is CliQ?

CliQ is changing the traditional Car Rental Industry by challenging the Ride e-Hailing Services. CliQ has successfully developed the first ever Automated, Keyless, Hourly Car Rental System.

CliQ was designed with the intention of simplifying the car rental process , allowing the renter to download an APP on their smartphone , create a profile, and within minutes, unlock a vehicle to an hourly car rental. The vehicle can conveniently be returned at any CliQ designated hiring zone.

CliQ is seeking external funding to help launch this complete handheld transport convenience into the market .

Convenience Factor – Modern day society requires a fast , safe and cost effective travel solution , increasing the demand for vehicle availability at the push of a button:
Alternate vehicle rental and e-hailing services are still reliant on external factors outside of driver ad rider’s control.

CliQ empowers riders to have complete control of their commuting exp

Sectores Automoción, Tecnología de información
Ubicación Umhlanga, Sudáfrica
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