1/3 of the Wold Food is never consumed but rather wasted .This is especially during the seasons when there is Plenty( at Harvest) with less or No Means to preserve it for the near Future . Leaving alone lacking food after the Plenty season ,the wasted Food is estimated to have capacity to feed more than 800 Million dying and sleeping without any Meal. Chil through her Agri-Tech Venture together with her friends from United Stated( solercool technologies ) came up with a Joint Project( Jointly Patented) that makes ,solar Powered refrigeration system that can be used to Keep the hervested food fresh for minimum of 21 days .
This Project sells ,Rents Affordably her technology to female farmer groups and those who may not afford upfront payment are Linked to the Partner Bank who pay us upfront and customers pay them back as they enjoy the technology.
Sectors | Artificial intelligence, Solar power, UAVs (drones) |
Location | Kampala, Uganda |
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