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Chica Bean Women created. Origin roasted. Delicious Impact.


Josue Martinez (the son of a female coffee farmer, and agronomist with years of GM experience in both start ups and established companies) is Co-founder & Director of Operations. It was a combinations of his dream to help his coffee farming mother make ends meet and Alene Seiler-Martinez’s, his wife and Co-founder, gumption to ensure her Peace Corps host family and community had opportunities that initiated the seed of the social enterprise that would become Chica Bean.

Abbigail Graupner (RPCV, economist with experience in logistics, service, and project development) is Director of International Business & Communications. Having explored professional opportunities in government and NGOs, it was her Peace Corps Response service in the coffee producing mountains of rural Guatemala that solidified her belief in the power of the private sector to stimulate community impact and brought her back to her business roots.