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Centre for Democracy and Development – Ceded Feeding the world's hungry with excellence.


Dara Felix – South Sudanese – CEO – MA Governance & Human Rights, BA Logistics and Procurement & Diploma Crop Production.

Diana Nyoka – South Sudanese – Chief of Finance and Credit – BA Business Administration (Banking & Finance), Diploma Banking and Finance & Certificate Business and Management.

Pastor John Sebit – South Sudanese – Chairman BoD – Diploma in Theology.

Martha Saima – South Sudanese – Member of the BoD – 20 years experience of managing business.

Lomora Ronald Moro – South Sudanese – Member of the BoD – Shareholder

VIOLA GABA MICHAEL – South Sudanese – Member of General Assembly – Shareholder – BA Business Administration (Accounting).

ADANIA HARRIET – Ugandan – Member of the General Assembly – Share holder – BA Management.

ACECERU QUEEN BALBINA – Ugandan – Member of the General Assembly – Shareholder.
