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Caroval multi concepts Nigeria limited. The business is all about agricultural products and services.

Cover image of Caroval multi concepts Nigeria limited., Agricultura animal venture on VC4A

Caroval multi concepts Nigeria limited is a firm that runs catfish production and supply, also carry out consulting services and general contracts as well as every other agricultural products and services.

The company is also known for carrying out community impact projects to support in the building of the community and economy.

The unic thing about the firm is, it is designed to employ individuals without sentiments, individuals from all work’s of life in respective of their culture and tradition to promote and defend gender equality and also through quarterly regular seminars with the employees educating them on the path that avoids religious conflicts, as we can only again success when we work together without sentiments.

Sectores Agricultura animal, Cultivos agrícolas, Piscicultura
Ubicación Kaduna, Nigeria
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