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Cajoucy sarl Jus de fruit 100% gourmand, 100% naturel et 100% Malian

Cover image of Cajoucy sarl, Agroindustria venture on VC4A

Cajoucy, located on the outskirts of Bamako, offers cashew apple and mango nectars in 1L Tetra Paks, capturing the essence of Malian orchards. Committed to quality and sustainability, our products not only provide a delicious experience but also offer nutritional benefits, as cashew apples are rich in vitamins and antioxidants.
We take pride in our societal impact by valorizing the cashew apple, once considered waste. By contributing to waste reduction, Cajoucy creates a positive environmental and social impact. Join us on a gourmet and committed journey, where each sip celebrates local authenticity while participating in a sustainable initiative. Cajoucy – Tradition, innovation, pleasure, and positive impact come together in every bottle!

Sectores Agroindustria
Ubicación Mali
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