Busy Broom cleaning & recycling Ltd. recycling of plastic waste materials into a viable products


Usman Salisu BUHARI is the founder and CEO of Busy Broom
Recycling Industry, who has over six years of experience in waste management
business especially plastic recycling. He is a recipient of numerous awards, grants and
recognition for his hard work, some of which includes the youth empowerment
program in Nigeria (Youwin) 2013, British council business acceleration boot camp
2018, currently participating in Oxfam EDC Capacity Building Program in Nigeria, in
addition to a Master’s degree in environmental management. He is a consultant on
how industries and institutions can adopt zero waste policy. Moses Ndayi ABEL heads the administrative affairs of the company, he’s an
environmentalist, passionate about managing of wastes in the environment and has a
master’s degree in Environmental Management. He is also
business administrative consultant. Fawzia Halliru ABDULLAHI, a media and
communications professional who has a master’s degree in communication and media.