Bullale Organic Farming Live life simply and simply live”.

Cover image of Bullale Organic Farming, Agribusiness venture on VC4A

Bullale Farm’s mission is to raise the best tasting and finest quality fruits and vegetables for the local community. Bullale Farm uses only natural and sustainable farming methods, free from pesticides or fertilizers. Natural foods and natural farming methods leaves a smaller carbon footprint while simultaneously improves the health of its customers and its local community.The Bullale Farm also believes in contributing to its community and the planet by:
1. Creating job opportunities for the local people:
Bullale Organic Farm has the potential to create employment for the unemployed individuals in our rural settings.
2. Sustainable energy:
Bullale Organic Farm believes that in order for the survival of the planet, we must rely on solar systems which is better for the planet and conserves our natural resources

Sectors Agribusiness
Location Somalia
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