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Buchi George,President, Globe Chamber of Commerce Chamber of Commerce

Cover image of Buchi George,President, Globe Chamber of Commerce, Servicios empresariales venture on VC4A

HON. NWABUEZE, BUCHI GEORGE, ESQ,LLB, MBA, JP,FME (Finance, Management, Administrative, Economics) A UNITED NATIONS AMBASSADOR ON MDG, A Trade, Investment, Development And Business EXECUTIVE .
A Senior Special Adviser On Foreign Trade, Bilateral Trade Partnership , Inward Investment And Economic Affairs .A REFORMED EDUCATION, Good Governance ADVOCATE AND Child Education ACTIVIST. The Executive Director, Trade Nigeria, PRESIDENT, GLOBE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY, Globe Economic Development Council, Transnational trade and commerce Centre, Nigeria Bilateral Economic Forum, CHAIRMAN /CEO, FOWCOM LIMITED, WITH Degree in LAW. And A major Focus on Business, Investment, Trade and Economic Exchange and Multi and Bilateral Cooperation, with Main interest in Economic growth, international Business partnership, Policy, Market And Trade Implementation’s, Supporting Economic Expansion And Multilateral Business And Trade Cooperation Through Joint Ventures And Trade Mission and Business Deleg

Sectores Servicios empresariales
Ubicación Abuja, Nigeria
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