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BrosFarmsTech S.A.P.I. de C.V. Network Urban Farms interconnected through a digital platform


1. José Valenzuela-Managing Director 2. Miguel Jacuinde-Supervision of Operation-Industrial Engineer 3. Analilia Rete-Development of Negotiators-Master Biotechnology Agricultural 4. Patricio Lechon-Logistics-Industrial Engineer 5. Eli Vasquez-Developer Sr. & Hardware Architecture-Electronic Engineer 6. Erick Rodriguez-Toolmaker Sr. -Machinery and Design 7. Oswaldo Hernandez-Architect of ICT’s & Design-Engineer in Systems 8. Erick Almaraz-Analyst Mr. Data & Algorithm-Teaching, Scientific and Physical Research 9. Christian Picos-Leader Development & Technology-Engineer in Systems 10. Alan Andrade-Development of Nodes-Engineer in Computer Systems 11. Dani Dearcia-Design & Automation-Engineer Mecatronics 12. Fredy Lopez-Production & Web Development-Postgraduate in Business Address Cultivation in Hidropland 13. Alejandra Rivas-Marketing & Documentation-Lic. in Business Administration 14. Guillermo Vasquez-Energy and Lighting-Ing. Energy re