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Brace Loans Services Here for you

Cover image of Brace Loans Services, Servicios financieros venture on VC4A

Women business entrepreneurs and underserved populations operating small businesses lack access to capital and financial services from conventional financial institutions. This limits their growth in business as they can not access affordable finance to invest in their business, which forces families to live below the poverty line.
Brace Loans’ Solidarity lending model addresses the challenge of providing financial services to individuals who lack physical collateral or have a limited credit history. By relying on social collateral within community-based groups, it enables mutual support and encourages repayment.
Through our targeted interventions and partnerships, we strive to create a more inclusive and resilient economy, where women entrepreneurs and underserved communities are recognized as drivers of innovation, growth, and social progress.

Sectores Servicios financieros
Ubicación Lusaka, Zambia
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