Dr. Natan Mulubrihan (assistant professor) – CPD director and co-founder, emergency and critical care specialist @ haramaya university. Dr. Nathan Graduated from Haramaya University in doctor of medicine and done his specialty on emergency and critical care at Black Lion hospital Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Dr. Tigist Bacha _ Associate Professor at Addis Ababa University (AAU), Ethiopia. She did Pediatric Emergency and Critical care fellowship with the collaboration of AAU and with University of Wisconsin (UW). Through Medical education program at AAU she also got a chance to take a research-related course at John Hopkins University, USA. In July 2020 she completed a pediatric cardiac intensive care fellowship from the Hebrew university ,Israel and simultaneously she has completed a Pediatric ethics course from the children Kansas ,USA. She has Masters of Public health degree from the University of Gonder with joint Program from Addis continental institute of public health