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Blexce Water Pure Water from Air

Cover image of Blexce Water, Healthcare venture on VC4A

In Southern Africa, the average annual humidity is 59.2% with highs of over 70%. We have
developed air-to-water technology that harvests water from the air around us, enabling
us to provide clean, reliable, high pressure, low cost water to all.

Water is harvested by combining atmospheric humidity, heat and air flow producing 5,000, 10,000 or 20,000 litres per unit, per day. This allows for continuous supply.

The water crisis leads to an education crisis. Lack of access to clean water and sanitation causes risks of decreased school attendance, missed workdays, malnutrition and poverty.

Girls and women particularly experience period poverty and are more often tasked with fetching water in addition to their other chores.

Gender stereotypes and inequalities mean that women face more hardships when trying to get an

In Zambian rural areas for instance, 27% of women aren’t educated as opposed to 18% of men.

We hope to improve livelihoods with our technology.

SectorsHealthcare, Healthcare providers and services, Water, sanitation and hygiene
Location Lusaka, Zambia
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