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Bioani Producing insect protein and fertilizer to strenghten food resilience.

Cover image of Bioani, Agricultura animal venture on VC4A

How does it work? We collect organic waste from various sources (industries, markets, schools, restaurants etc.) and feed it to the larvae. Through the process of bioconversion, these larvae become a source of protein. During their development cycle, the insect poop becomes the basis of our fertilizer products.

What problem are we trying to solve? The issues of accessing quality and affordable inputs for livestock farming (i.e. protein) and agriculture (i.e. fertilizers) are significant barriers to the development of these sectors, which are essential for ensuring national food resilience.

What is our operational model? We promote a local production model for local needs. We implement a replicable and scalable model to ensure a dense territorial network, which will enhance resilience against external shocks.

For whom and for what purpose? Our products are intended for animal and vegetable farmers, reducing their environmental footprint whilst improving their health and finan

Sectores Agricultura animal, Cultivos agrícolas, Alimentos y bebidas
Ubicación Abidjan, Costa De Marfil
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