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Bio-World Clean cooking energy for all

Cover image of Bio-World, Clean technology venture on VC4A



We make biogas business. We make simple biogas from gallons so that people can be making gas on their own.
This biogas is made from waste,these include animal and food waste.The system has two products; biogas and bio-fertilizer, This means that once You have the system, you will no longer be using fire wood, charcoal, electricity for cooking.On the other side, you will no longer be buying fertilizer.
This can be of high value to my country because it can reduce the rate of deforastation.Recently the minister of natural resources has anounced that in Malawi about 32 hactares of trees are cut every year .With the use of biogas, people will no longer be going for trees as their source of energy.

Sectors Clean technology, Clean technology and energy, Renewable energy
Location Lilongwe, Malawi
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