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BIFRIENS INVESTMENTS LTD Quality Guaranteed, Value for Volumes

Bifriens Investments Ltd, being a Physical Planning, ICT for Agriculture company leverages on the proliferation of Mobile technology in uganda which according to Uganda communication commission is over 22 Million subscribers to share phone based agri value chain information. Through its integrated web based System “Agricombo” “a one stop center for Agriculture Value chains”. Farmers are digitally profiled in groups of 10, Trained using video mediated and on farm means, other actors in the value chain subscribe to the system while inputs to farmers are traceable and ensure organic production to meet the market and environmental conservation.Low cost technologies and products as well as market information is guaranteed for only profiled farmers. The demand to the system is overwhelming for this reason requiring the company to increase its capacity. The system seeks to digitize all value chains but apparently focusing on Tomato and Rabbit Value chains.

SectorsAgribusiness, Agrichemicals, Crop farming
LocationKisubi, Uganda
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