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BeNu Foods Eat right, do good!

Ethiopia loses 17 percent of its GDP, equivalent to 55.5 billion birr annually due to malnutrition.
Analysis shows that 58% of all under-five deaths in Ethiopia stem either directly or indirectly from
malnutrition, even in its milder forms. As stated on the social and economic impact of a child
undernutrition, today, more than 2 out of every 5 children in Ethiopia are stunted. As much as 81%
of all cases of a child undernutrition and its related pathologies go untreated.
What makes things worse is that Ethiopia yet lacks products that are affordable and nutritious that
may help in alleviating this gigantic problem.
Our social enterprise targets to tackle the deficiency of high protein nutritious products in the
consumer market. Our product well adapts our national food taste and living context. We make
the product with ingredients that local farmers can produce and partly process. We currently make and deliver a high protein nutritious biscuits called BeNu biscuits.

Sectores Agroindustria
Ubicación Addis Ababa, Etiopía
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