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    Add Online groceries supermarket & food delivery service in Abuja, Nigeri

Cover image of, Drugs and cosmetics venture on VC4A is a complete suite of daily needs. There are certain services, needs or products that Nigerians can’t go a day without and most times, they are required to be met within the shortest possible time frame. An example of such needs include but are not restricted to products in the following categories:

  • meals, fruits and vegetables,
  • cosmetics, pharmaceutical products,
  • baby foods,
  • pet supplies,
  • home supplies, stationery etc.

There are also novel frontiers that entrepreneurs are yet to tackle such as petrol/fuel order and delivery and also cash order (withdrawal) and delivery.

We do all these and more on
Another thing that sets us apart is that our UI/UX is easy to understand. We strive to keep things simple silly. For instance, withdrawing cash is as simple as adding it in a shopping cart. Because of the perishable nature of some of the products we offer, we do our best to deliver orde

SectorsDrugs and cosmetics, E-commerce, Food and beverage
LocationAbuja, Nigeria
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