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Becctic Biotechnology anf Nanotechnology Company BECTIK is a bio& nanotechnology consultancy firm based in Nigeria.

Cover image of Becctic Biotechnology anf Nanotechnology Company, Agribusiness venture on VC4A

Becctic Biotechnology anf Nanotechnology Company

Becctic Biotechnology anf Nanotechnology Company

BECTIK is a bio& nanotechnology consultancy firm based in Nigeria. We serve customers across Africa to source supplies and equipment, to consult on given processes and help you to improve you production capabilities. We apply the application of biological techniques as well as plant/ microbial bioprocesses for the actualization of sustainable development goals and Agrarian revolution, through quality teaching, research, and community development. My research interest includes Microbiology, Biotechnology and Nanotechnology. We are currently working on food security, discovery of novel and natural compounds and environmental sustainability.

SectorsAgribusiness, Environmental services, Food production
LocationOsogbo, Nigeria
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