BASIF has put in place a concept called ” ESPACE NDUGU ‘ ‘ which contributes to the creation of an innovative system of distribution and access to quality local food at affordable prices. This system is backed up by a network of 50 local kiosks in peri-urban and rural areas run by women from the women’s groups and grass-roots community organizations. Direct beneficiaries made up of women at 90 % will see their incomes improved. Supply is provided by small producer co-ops. Cotés customers en dehors des paticuiers et des Households, il ya les professionnels des la restauration (restaurants, traiteurs, hotels) et les sales en ligne à travers la platform web.
Coté protection of the environment the use of biodegradable paper is rigorous for the packaging of products. The production target of 100 % organic fruit and vegetables is expected by December 2023.
Sectors | Agribusiness, Agritech |
Location | Senegal |
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