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Bantu Technologies Company Limited Reduce indoor air pollution by produce clean cooking fuel.

Cover image of Bantu Technologies Company Limited, Biocarburantes venture on VC4A

Bantu Technologies Company Limited

Bantu Technologies Company Limited

At least 14,300 Tanzanians die yearly from health-related complications as a result of indoor air pollution. 85% -informal household settlements earn between $3- 5 USD per day, at least 50% is spent on cooking fuel. Bantu Technologies will reduce indoor air pollution by collect 7.7 million tonnes of food waste produce each year in Tanzania and process this waste into biomass briquettes. Our product biomass briquette has high energy content, low price, high heat intensity, longer burning time, easily extinguishable and lower levels of smoke production.

Sectores Biocarburantes, Tecnología y energía limpias, Gestión y reciclado de residuos
Ubicación Zanzibar, Tanzania
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