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Awelo millers and packers investment Your organic food solution

Cover image of Awelo millers and packers investment, Farm machinery venture on VC4A

At Awelo millers, We hatch fish fingerlings and add value to sunflower seeds, maize, rice and soya.

we further solar dry our seeds before processing as we monitor moisture content and ensure we control aflatoxins.
Our solution is agro-industrial and uses agri-processing food machinery of Oil press mill, Rice hullers, maize mills and pelleting machines to ensure standards and quality of foods is achieved

Our circular economy policy also allows for use of by-products to be effectively turned in to fish and animal feeds hence minimizing wastage and maximizing resource utilization

Finally, Awelo millers relies heavily on the 1200 small holder farmers registered and organised under the Awelo Outgrowers farmer scheme to supply sunflower and maize using the One Acre model approach

SectorsFarm machinery, Fish farming, Food production
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