Team Our Team is made of a multi-disciplinary collection of passionate professionals. Abdul Nasir Muniru the founder is a serial entrepreneur and has MSc. Computer Application Technology. Abraham Nantogma is the CPO with Sound Analytical Skills, Good written and verbal communication, Strong Presentation Skills, Excellent interpersonal skills and Highly entrepreneurial. He is a first-class student with MSc. Financial Management, Heriot-Watt University Sept. 2009 – Dec. 2012, MSc. Energy Management (Distinction), Robert Gordon University Sept. 2012 –Sept. 2013 BSc. Business Administration. Olivia Addo-Bankas is the COO and PhD student in environmental engineering she is A passionate and highly motivated young lady with excellent leadership and communication skills with a great team spirit who enjoys learning new things and is poised to make a difference wherever she finds herself.