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Auto Rentals Rent to own vehicle company

Cover image of Auto Rentals, Automóviles venture on VC4A

Buying a vehicle has become out of reach for many South Africans due to the high prices, inaccessibility to finance and strict laws and regulations banks are bound by.

We fill this very large gap in the market by providing all income groups, access to owning a vehicle through our Rent to Own program, offered by our used-vehicle leg of the business.

We comprehensively insure and fit all vehicles with tracking systems allowing remote immobilization should a client default.

We have been involved in the Rent to Own concept for more than 9 years. The demand has grown to such an extent that we need to involve investors to raise capital for the exponentially growing demand.

We have recently added a short term rental option to assist with generating more cash flow and providing more clients access to our products and services.

Many of our clients earn an average of 40%pa return now using the Reinvestment method.

Sectores Automóviles, Transporte y logística
Ubicación Bloemfontein, Sudáfrica
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