Asili Core Asili Core is a tech startup providing integrated services

Cover image of Asili Core, Tecnología limpia venture on VC4A

Asili Core

Asili Core

Empowering Professionals, Transforming Communities
Founded on January 6, 2025, Asili Core is a Kenyan-based technology startup dedicated to revolutionizing the service delivery landscape. Our innovative platform seamlessly connects professionals, contractors, real estate agents, and businesses with clients, fostering efficient and reliable service interactions.
The Problem
In Kenya, the service industry faces significant challenges, including fragmented markets, unreliable service providers, and a lack of transparent platforms for clients to connect with qualified professionals. This disconnect hampers economic growth and leaves many skilled professionals underutilized.
Our Solution
Asili Core addresses these challenges by offering a comprehensive platform that:
Connects Clients and Professionals: Bridging the gap between service seekers and qualified providers.
Ensures Quality and Reliability: Implementing a robust vetting process to maintain high service status.

Sectores Tecnología limpia, Conectividad, Consultoría y desarrollo empresarial
Ubicación Nairobi, Kenia
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