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Arsa properties We work to feed Africa

Cover image of Arsa properties, Agroindustria venture on VC4A

Arsa properties is a pme specialized in the design and development of food production lines based on cereals, condiments, and aromatic herbal teas 100 % from local cultures Grace to technological innovation and development of short circuits. Our value proposition comes under two axes help people to eat well, better, bio and local; African soil under our plates with products that are easy to use and accessible. Our project is realistic and cost effective from 2020 to our days we have accumulated more than 10000 orders, we have set up a production line that works, we have a supply chain and we have built a database of more than 150 clients b to b and 600clients b to c. We have a community of more than 11600 followers on social media Instagram and Tik Tok @ Abel food

Sectores Agroindustria
Ubicación Dakar, Senegal
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