Aroyó Safari AROYÓ safari creates bespoke luxury safaris to East and South Africa.

Cover image of Aroyó Safari, Hospitalidad venture on VC4A

Luxury safaris in Africa can be very costly, but do they have to? No! As many luxury safari operators are located abroad, everything about them is based on their country’s business policies. For example, a travel company in the UK does not pay the same in taxes and other governmental fees as the company based in Tanzania or Kenya. This is biggest reason why many tourists think luxury safaris are expensive.

Being locally owned and operated AROYÓ Safari will be able to capitalise on this by giving exceptionally affordable rates for an absolute top luxury African safari. Many of our customers are finding it hard to believe we can offer such luxurious tours for such prices. For instance, last year we made few luxury safaris that have given us over $220,000 in revenues, despite the pandemic.

Our target market is over 2 million tourists that visit Tanzania annually. We seek $150,000 for up to 30% equity stake of the company. The aim is to expand by acquiring more market share.

Sectores Hospitalidad, Ocio y viajes, Turismo
Ubicación Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
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