Water scarcity is a problem to Africa: farmers make agricultural losses due to no access to water for irrigation leading to food shortages and poverty. The rural poor also resort to drinking contaminated water which causes diseases and can lead to death. Women and children walk distances to collect water which is so hectic and impacts their access to education and opportunities for study. Aquifer Hub increases water accessibility through working with youths & women to construct water sources like valley dams, shallow wells, boreholes, springs etc in communities and installation of irrigation systems for farmers. We partner with farmer organizations (FO) to form water and irrigation farmer groups. Farmers request for water/irrigation equipment on loan and loan and also receive agronomy advisory services. We also provide bank Layaways; a micro-savings service which enables poor rural people to save to purchase water/irrigation systems by making micro-payments toward ownersh Sectors Water storage, Water utilities, Water, sanitation and hygiene Location Uganda Stage Sign in to view details Markets Sign in to view details Customer model Sign in to view details Revenue Sign in to view details Contact Sign in to view details Social media