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Appetito Technologies Grocery delivery app that operates through dark stores

Cover image of Appetito Technologies, Consumer non-durables venture on VC4A

Appetito is a grocery delivery startup based in Cairo where customers can order through mobile app or website.
We have a vision to disrupt the $100 billion retail market in Egypt then Africa beyond. We’re solving the inefficiencies of the the FMCG supply chain where more than 80% of the market is fragmented across more than 200,000 retailers hence there are several layers of distributors, wholesalers, small retailers before the product reaches the household customer.
We operate through dark stores where more than 1200 SKU’s are sourced from manufacturers, stored in our hubs and delivered directly to household customers in less than 60 mins.
We have been growing on average of 60% MoM for the past 3 months.
Our Team used to work in top international and regional tech companies like delivery hero, rocket internet, glovo, uber and others.

Sectors Consumer non-durables, Food and beverage, Retail, Retail and wholesale
Location Delaware, Egypt
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