Angaza Elimu Delivering personalized and mastery-based learning experince

Cover image of Angaza Elimu, E-learning venture on VC4A

Angaza Elimu is an EdTech enterprise primed to transform education across Kenya and beyond by addressing the problem of inefficient classrooms and inadequate quality educational material. Angaza Elimu’s adaptive and interactive eLearning platform delivers personalized skill based learning experience to students. We believe every student is unique and deserves personalized learning that meets their own specific needs and our Artificial Intelligence powered model is able to understand students’ mastery gaps and customize each of their learning paths. We provide teachers with a supportive tool to identify students’ specific needs and help deliver personalized/customized instruction. We also offer an interactive hands on training on STEAME(Science , Technology, Engineering, Art, Math and Entrepreneurship) to equip students with skills needed to succeed in the 21st century workforce and as entrepreneurs who can lead to an increase in productivity and drive economic growth.

Sectors E-learning, Software as a Service
Location Nairobi, Kenya
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