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Anabi Bee smart, planet smart!

Cover image of Anabi, Agritech venture on VC4A

1/3 of the worlds food production depends on bees. In Africa tens of millions of farmers livelihood depends on beekeeping and crop pollination. Poor beehive management has been a major challenge to keep them and benefit from their offerings.

We at Anabi bring an IOT and AI integrated system to keep our bees safe and benefit our farmers dependent on these live stocks. by
1. guaranteeing major cost savings in beekeeping and its operation.
2. A transparent system between beekeepers and their contractors.
3. Providing various beehive status indicators that guarantee zero loss on honey production.
4. Sophisticated algorithms that guarantee the survival rate of our bees resulting in increase in crop yields.

Sectores Agritech
Ubicación Addis Ababa, Etiopía
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