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ALIS Algae Innovation Solutions ALIS is a cleantech that turns pollution into clean water and oxygen.


Ramon: CEO. I’m the one that started everything from scratch and gather the team along the way. Biotechnology and bio business development expert. Environmental activist.

Raymond: CFO, In charged of the company finance and also my dad. He´s Ex-NASA engineer, his helping with some process design and funds.

Dr. Abraham Efraím: Head of R&D, in charged of microalgae culture production automatization.

Sofia: Shes an architect and is in charged of some of the product design and the operational processes.

Diego: Hes an architect in charged of plant designs and product designs, also renders and project management.

Susana: Head of biotechnology, Shes a biotech engineer in charged of ALIS synthetic biology R&D in microalgae.

Hector Orozco; Head of culture, He´s a biologist with relevant work in the microalgae culture identification and scaling.