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alaU Online educational platform for young people and educators.

Cover image of alaU, E-learning venture on VC4A



alaU is an Online Educational Platform with more than six years of experience working in educational innovation; it is founded in 2014, with the purpose of promoting equal opportunities for access to quality education, through the creation of innovative, inclusive and effective online learning experiences, specializing in educational and technological content for young people and educators, expanding its borders not only in Ecuador and Colombia, but currently also for Latin America. To date it has more than 167 thousand students registered on the platform only in the Last year, more than 11 thousand paid students, 274 educational institutions benefited and more than 3800 scholarship students. Thanks to the impact generated alaU has several important awards, recognition of the work done by a great team and community that forms, moves and transforms education with alaU.

Secteurs E-learning, Éducation
Emplacement Cuenca, Équateur
Etape Se connecter pour afficher les détails
Marchés Se connecter pour afficher les détails
Modèle client Se connecter pour afficher les détails
Recettes $ 50 À 99K
Équipe 6 ETP, 2 fondateurs (6 actionnaires)
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