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Agro Aqua life venture Enterprise Design to D. E. V. E. L. O. P

We use Green House methodology in growing our organically grown crops which range from our products of Tomatoe, pepper, Onions, cabbage, carrot and cucumbers while equally using the open farming method, recently we are in a pilot testing of Hydroponics farming method so as to increase yeild and good output that is free from any side effects of chemical.
By this we have become the bride of our clients because of our quality.
Currently, we have been able to bring a form of organic manure from the pullet of our fish wasyte water and cow dung,this has proven to be health and high yield in our farm,giving us 100% increase in our output. This we are already providing for our immediate community to use to cultivate their crop

Sectors Animal farming, Crop farming, Fish farming, Food production
Location Nigeria
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