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AgriFriend AgriFriend revolutionizing farming in emerging economies



AgriFriend is a startup that helps small-scale farmers to increase yield productivity and profitability, using a holistic and bottom-up approach.
We want to make sure farmers have access to high-value agricultural knowledge and expertise, regardless of their location, financial status, language or dialect, gender, religion, background, literacy, or digital literacy level.
Our digital training platform automatically tailors-maid a personal and all-inclusive training process, in a bite-size, step-by-step model, from planting to harvest, with all the best and smart agricultural practices.
The training is automatically customized to the farmer’s needs and conditions, such as weather, climate, variety, but also to social local factors like terminology, language. And it changes in real-time. Using unique visual tools and learning methods, we make each training 10x more productive, effective, simple, and practical.
Our unique value proposition is that we meet the farmers where they

Sectores Cultivos agrícolas
Ubicación Tel Aviv-Yafo, Israel
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