Howard Blight. CEO
GRICOLLEGES international was founded by Howard C Blight. Howard is passionate about education and has been involved in the development of educational institutions for more than 35 years. He was the founding Chairperson of the independent English medium boarding school in Limpopo Province, Stanford Lake College, and the Chairman of Unicorn Preparatory School for eight years. He has farmed near Tzaneen, in the Limpopo Province in South Africa, for 45 years and runs his own nursery, growing subtropical crops. Howard is a horticultural consultant and naturalist, an author and poet, and a businessman with an entrepreneurial flair. “My board and I represent this fledgling company as well as those thousands of students, our sons and daughters, who through their studies with AGRICOLLEGES international, will be given hope. We believe passionately in helping to secure the future of agriculture, not only in South Africa and on this continent, but throughout the globe