agriBORA is an Enterprise Software as a Service (SaaS) platform for the agri-food industry in East Africa which de-risks smallholder agriculture systems, improves farm productivity and facilitates effective trading. agriBORA works to improve the decision making of agriculture value chain actors using data-driven services and digital tools, with emphasis on the use of satellite remote-sensing data.
Our Key Products and Services:
• Aggregation of demand, delivery and mobile payment for farm inputs.
• Market linkage services, price guarantees, aggregation and mobile payment.
• Services also available through feature phones.
Our Value Proposition: Enabling smallholder farmers to trade with their business partners in a more affordable, efficient, transparent and reliable way.
Our solution is a combination of “technology and human-touch”. Using a “Farm Hub” approach, we register, profile and cluster farmers into a digital hub using tools such as SMS, USSD and geotagging devices