I have been in the agricultural sector through vegetables farming for the past 3 years. I have experienced all sorts of challenges form capital, climate change, and market viability. However, through it all I’ve always possessed a mentality of learning from these experiences. The most prevalent problem with the local production is the development of value chains. I would love to fully establish a competitive vegetables production and processing value chain, that will not only serve the local market but also markets in other regions as well. My strong belief is that every skill can be learnt. Sectores Agroindustria Ubicación Suazilandia Etapa Inicie la sesión para ver los detalles Mercados Inicie la sesión para ver los detalles Modelo de cliente Inicie la sesión para ver los detalles Ingresos Inicie la sesión para ver los detalles Contacto Inicie la sesión para ver los detalles Medios sociales