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Afro Circus Manufacturing Company Ltd (ACM Co Ltd) ACM Co Ltd is an agroprocessor that solves food price flactuations


The Afro Circus team consists of 3 core members. The founder and CEO, the Head of IT & Sales and the Head of Prduction and Procurement.

Tracy Sareto is our head of IT & Sales. Her career is full stack developer, with emphasis on native android apps. Experiences include JavaScript, Oython and CSS amongst others.

Hezbon Wabwire is our Head of Production & Procurement. He is an agricultural engineer and shall play the role of Head of Production and Procurement. He has 1 year experience at the Kenyan National Cereals and Produce Board under the procurement department.

I’m an agricultural Economist by profession and the venture’s founder & CEO. Experiences include Agricultural policy making, startup incubation training, Senior team leader and extensive FMCG and FFV sales in at least 3 companies