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AfriSun Feeds Feeds2Farms


Nesbit Ingabo as a co founder is a trained Economist and Statistician with 10 years of management consulting and data analysis expert. Nesbit is also a chicken farmer in the Western part of Kenya.
Kevin Mwenje is a seasoned banker with 5 years of experience in retail banking in Kenya. Kevin is also a dairy farmer in central Kenya for over 10 years. The two co founders came up with AfriSun feeds after experiencing the difficulty in accessing the right feeds for their animals and seeing the perennial troubles that farmers go through to access the same for their livestock. The livestock farmer has largely been neglected in the modern era of agricultural revolution, with no access to proper feeds or credit facilities to help them in the production hence the conceptualization of AfriSun feeds to help in the logistics, access of feeds and credit facilitation to help the farmers.