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Afrilearn Affordable, world-class education to 300 million young Africans

Cover image of Afrilearn, Education venture on VC4A

Nigeria currently has over 200 million population base. Of this number, 80 million (40%) can’t read or write. 120 million (60%) can’t engage beyond religion and metaphysics. 170 million (85%) can’t build or create anything meaningful simply because access and affordability to quality education is an illusion. Education systems across Africa are in critical crisis; it’s an emergency!

To solve this problem, Afrilearn integrates genius tutors, animators and developers to deliver richly animated and curriculum-relevant video lessons, class notes, practice tests, live classes and a personalized learning dashboard that empower high/secondary school students (Ages 12-22) to study at their unique pace in and outside classroom.

Sectors Education, Educational products, Educational services
Location Allen Avenue, Nigeria
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