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AfriconX Global Health Initiative Digital healthcare for a digital Africa.

Cover image of AfriconX Global Health Initiative, Biotechnology and medical research venture on VC4A

AfriconX Global Health Initiative

AfriconX Global Health Initiative

AfriconX is a global initiative that doubles as digital clinic and an online marketplace that exclusively brokers interactive exchange between medical specialists ( from Africa and other emerging economies) and understaffed healthcare facilities ( from all parts of the world) looking to outsource cases. It is a multi-dimensional, for-profit, cloud-based, platform business model.This digital platform will be available on the web, desktop and mobile devices, armed with an interactive software maintaining information exchange over secure server, Grassroots university outreach/ recruitment program , and an easy to use website for registering doctors and maintaining quality assurance .This exchange is maintained by multiple teams of administrative, technical, medical, research and operational field agents. This business model is self sustaining, exclusively deals with the effects of the African Brain drain, lack of access to quality healthcare and low doctor to population ratio in Africa.

Sectors Biotechnology and medical research, E-commerce, Healthcare providers and services
Location Benin City, Nigeria
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