Mr Khayalamazangwa Dlova – Founder, Executive Chairperson AndSole Investor
Visionary looking to make a huge impact in the Economic inclusion of Africans and their products on the global market, by creating entrepreneurs through providing hybrid low-tech and high-tech platforms for access to their product in the most remote areas, by a global audience.
Ms Nonceba Ndukula/Operations – Admin Secretary
Nominated for several womens awards with her NPC for youth and women, She has impeccable organizational skills and drive. Her passion and ability for mobilization of the youth and business people in the township uniquely positions her as a brilliant scout and vendor relations officer. Ms Kholosa Tshemese – Chief Executive Officer
Accountant with great Leadership qualities, a passion transforming spaces she enters with innovative thinking and solutions.
Ms Sebolelo Morake – Passionate accountant with experience financial sector and various other sectors.
Mr Tando Cekiso