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AerialMetric Drones for Development

Cover image of AerialMetric, Transporte ecológico y motores eléctricos venture on VC4A



AerialMetric Ltd. is a Malagasy company (originally founded in 2009) that delivers aeronautical solutions to developing countries. Its UAV manufacturing business started in 2018.

In response to limited access to healthcare in Madagascar, we, in close collaboration with the Government, the Ministry of Public Health and some large donors (USAID, The Global Fund, B&M Gates Foundation) developed a medical cargo drone capable of transporting health commodities (medicines, contraceptives, vaccines, biological samples) to and from the most inaccessible areas of Madagascar.

We employ 20 Malagasy men and women who have been trained to design, manufacture, operate and maintain our drones.

Our drones are electric VTOL that can fly BVLoS for up to 300 km and offer 2-way deliveries for up to 10 kg in cargo. They were accredited by the Civil Aviation of Madagascar and granted a renewable 2-year license to operate.

Sectores Transporte ecológico y motores eléctricos, Proveedores y servicios sanitarios, Drones (VANT)
Ubicación Antananarivo, Madagascar
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